What maintenance or improvements can I do on my website?

There you are some points that I consider important and that I hope can be useful as a guide to give a facelift to your website and improve its aspects that are not 100% perfect right now. 

Create New Contents

Search engines want to provide the most relevant and fresh answers (no outdated entries) to user queries on their platform. So the more regularly a website is updated with new content, the more opportunities will have to strengthen its SEO and be indexed higher by search engines.

Review Existing Contents / Pages

Creating new content is very good for your site, but from time to time, it is worth reviewing the contents of the pages already created and indexed in search engines, ensuring that they are optimized for organic positioning and we are offering quality content that will improve our natural positioning. 

Review METAS From Pages

Review those Titles and Descriptions of each and every one of the entries and pages of our website can be very userful and optimize our site for a better SEO, invest some time into this task and you will not regret.

Review Links

Having links on our pages that point to pages/posts that no longer exist (404 pages) can affect our organic reputation, also does not help users reading our entries. So it does not hurt, checking that it's not happening on our website and we have all the links pointing correctly to pages still alive and kicking.

Optimize Page Multimedia

An image is worth a thousand words, and today in the digital whirlpool in which we live, I think a thousand words falls short ...
If the texts of our website are accompanied by good images that add value and help the user to read the entry better by spending more time on our website, we will increase the reputation of our page in search engines.

Update Social Networks

Keep social profiles updated will help positioning your brand on different social networks and everybody knows that today it is very important to do so. I know it can be a pain in the ass sometimes but don't forget to do it!