I have an Online Store, should I do Email Marketing?
Doing email marketing today should no longer be an option, because everything offered by this technique are advantages if you are trying to sell online (or not); You won't only increase sales, but also increase your customer loyalty.
In Frucomedia believe that it is always good practice, and if it is used properly, it can only bring positive things to your business.


  • Send newsletters to maintain a stable (and long-term) relationship with your current and future customers.
  • The cost of doing email marketing is low.
  • It adapts perfectly to any need or business.
  • The conversion rates are very high.
  • You can access complete statistics.
  • You can do viral marketing.
  • The results are instantaneous.


Email marketing tips

  • Create your strategy from scratch.
  • Do not SPAM.
  • Call to actions are the key to have more clicks.
  • Increase the list of subscribers.


If you are more than ready to start making your first email marketing campaign, don't hesitate in contacting us. I'ts all advantages and you will notice the results inmediately!